Wednesday 25 May 2016

Impact of Stress And Heart Disease

Common illnesses that can be attributed to stress are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and immune mediated illnesses such as lupus, arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders. However, researchers are continuing to work to conclusively pinpoint exactly how stress increases the risk of heart disease. At this time they know only that it does. Researchers aren’t sure if stress is the risk factor or if it is the high levels of stress that make other risk factors even worse.

But, it doesn’t matter which came first, the chicken or the egg. The real concern is that stress has been conclusively linked to heart disease. The conclusion is that is you want to prevent heart disease or if you want to improve your current condition then you must reduce the level of stress that your body experiences.

People respond in different ways to situations. One person may let the situation ‘roll off their back’ while another will obsess over the situation and mull it over for hours. Some people react in ways that make a bad situation even worse by displaying anger, anxiety or moodiness. Others seem to face life with ease and grace.

Things that make you feel stress are also different from person to person. Both major and minor life changes are considered risk factors. Most importantly you should try to identify the stressors in your life, or the things that make you feel tension, anger, anxiety, and frustration.

There are some common stressors that affect people at all stages of life. They can include illness that is personal or a close family member, death of a friend or loved one (including a pet), personal relational problems or work overload. Included in this list are also situational conditions such as crowds and closed in spaces. People who are starting a new job, getting married, unemployed, retiring, or pregnant are also facing life changes that are commonly considered stressful even though some are positive changes.

Your body gives you warning signals when you are experiencing enough stress to cause physical or emotional problems. The warning signs are pretty straight forward. However, there may be times when you are under chronic stress that your body accommodates to. Normally accommodation is good but under these circumstances when you accommodate to stress you won’t notice the warning signs as well, even though the stress continues to cause problems.

These warning signs of stress include physical signs like sweaty palms, consistent tiredness, ringing ears, difficulty sleeping, racing hear or weight loss/gain. Mental signs of increased stress in your life may include constantly worrying, unable to concentrate, poor memory, forgetfulness and loss of sense of humor. When people are under stress they also find they get angry more easily, become anxious, cry, feel powerless or revert to negative thinking.

There are two things you must do. You must identify the stressors in your life and then find ways to cope with them. There are different techniques that you might use to manage stress. Some techniques that you can use to prepare your body to cope with added stress is to drink enough water and eat a balanced diet. We really are what we eat and without enough of the right food and water our bodies don’t cope well with stress, either physical or emotional. Another coping mechanism is to change lifestyle habits that contribute to added stress such as smoking, alcohol, and recreational drugs.

Psychologist have found that exercise will increase the amount of endorphins your body produces which help you to cope with stress. Be sure the exercise is non-competitive so it doesn’t add to your stress level, is consistent and raises your heart rate for about 30 minutes each day.

Try to reduce the cause of your stresses. There are some that can’t be avoided, such as pregnancy, death, illness or retirement. There are other causes of stress that can be reduced such as commitments, relational problems or work overload. Saying ‘no’ to a new commitment may be difficult but when weighed against your health you may be able to say the word.

It’s important when you are deciding what stays and what goes in your life that you have realistic expectations of your abilities. You can’t be 100% successful in everything you do and the sooner you realize that fact the sooner your stress will be reduced.

Most importantly you should try to keep a positive attitude and good self-esteem. These are your best defenses against stress because you’ll see your stressor as a challenge instead of a problem. One trick is to look the stressor square in the face, so to speak, and acknowledge how much importance it holds in your life. Next, ask yourself if this same thing will be important to you in 5 years or if it would have been 5 years ago. Chances are, it wouldn’t have been and won’t be in 5 years. Remember that when you are coping with the situation and trying to remain calm.
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Exercise At Work is It Possible?

Companies and employees are always interested in leveraging their time and energy. Companies are demanding more and more of the employees time which leaves less time at home for exercise, family and responsibilities.

The current recommendation for exercise is 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day. That exercise must increase the participants heart rate and breathing, but can also be broken up into 10 minute segments.

In a recent study the researchers found that Americans may be getting more exercise at work than they previously thought. The study showed that 2/3 of working Americans didn’t get enough exercise in their leisure time but that 44% of working Americans got at least one hour of occupational activity each day at work or doing housework.

The study measured activity and exercise during leisure time but more recent studies from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion began measuring activity during work hours. Even the CDC has developed a new questionnaire that takes into account the physical activity that employees get at work.

Employees who are interested in getting more exercise can increase their physical activity and decrease their risk of heart disease, stroke and obesity through small changes in work style behavior. For instance, the employee can park further away from the office instead of closer. Parking further away may mean not parking at all if you live close enough to walk. Another alternative is to ride your bike to work and use the company shower when you arrive.

Consider taking the stairs not the elevator, walk to meetings that are close by instead of driving, do stretches and desk exercises several times each day to strengthen muscles and improve concentration and productivity.

Exercises at your desk can be quick, easy and fun. They will strengthen your muscles, improve your blood supply and increase your productivity. Find an excuse to get up and walk around your office every hour. Set a clock on your computer to remind you so that you don’t become so caught up in your work that you forget your health. Walking around the office for 5 minutes each hour will improve the way you work and give your mind the quick rest it needs.

In more progressive companies the employers are putting in small gyms and showers to encourage employees to workout during lunch or after work hours. This added bonus is actually a bonus for the employer since active fit employees call in sick less often, have a lower risk of chronic disease and don’t use the company health insurance which drives up premiums.

Employees are finding that getting exercise at work is easier than it was even 5 years ago. They are also finding that this improves their health, increases their energy and can decrease the risk of illness when done consistently. Employers are finding that allowing employees to workout during the day increases the employees ability to focus during the day and decreases insurance costs. When an employee gets exercise at work it is a win-win situation for all involved.
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Vegetarian Diet For Diabetes - Living Life With Diabetes

Diabetes is a health risk that affects 18.9 million people and 6.3 percent of the population in America today. More and more people are turning to a vegetarian diet to help control their need for insulin. A vegetarian diet is lower in fats, oils, sugars and processed foods than the Standard Western Diet.

Diabetes is the medical name given to the condition where the body can no longer use insulin to burn sugar or no longer produces enough insulin (there are two types of diabetes). In either case, a persons blood sugar rises and can cause serious damage to the blood vessels, liver, cardiac disease, stroke and ultimately lead to a coma state and death.

Case studies and research has shown that people who follow a vegan diet for 22 weeks reduce the need to take medication. Of course this should always be followed with regular blood tests and with the consultation of your regular doctor.

Diabetes isn’t cheap – for patients or the insurance companies. Patient supplies and medications are long-term financial issues that can significantly impact a patient’s savings. Insurance companies may pay for supplies but only after the deductible is met. Insurance companies also have increased costs with the long-term complications of the disease.

Vegetarian diets have been shown to be helpful in the treatment and long-term effects of diabetes. Medical research shows that there is a 50 percent less chance that vegetarians will develop heart disease and have the lowest rate of coronary artery disease of any group, a secondary effect of diabetes. Those that follow a vegan diet are also nine times less likely to become obese, a significant side effect that can lead to diabetes.

The diabetic condition can and will change with vegetarian diet and lifestyle alterations. The amount the condition worsens or gets better depends on the amount of change a person is willing to work through. Remember – we eat to live and don’t live to eat.

Vegetarian diets are an easy holistic and natural way to make a positive impact on the treatment and management of your diabetes. The long-term medical complications from diabetes have a considerable negative effect on health and every day functioning. Long-term effects include kidney failure, coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack, peripheral vascular disease and sciatic nerve damage.

Only you can make a decision to change the course of your illness. Vegetarian diets will make that change and help you to fill a full and healthy life.
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Vegetarian Weight Loss - What is it?

Obesity is a growing problem. Two thirds of Americans are overweight. More and more people are searching for natural weight loss options and vegetarian weight loss programs fit that bill.

The commercial market is overflowing with a large number of diet supplements and weight loss options. But natural options are the safest way to shed pounds. Dieticians and nutritionists recommend natural weight loss diets to people who are health conscious. This is because natural options do not advocate the use of chemicals or supplements to speed metabolism or reduce your appetite. They rely on natural products, such as fiber, to do the same things.

People who follow a diet of raw fruits and vegetables for weight loss are less prone to heart disease, stroke and cancer. Vegetarian weight loss programs can be structured using a point system so that vegetables are a “0”, fruits are between 1-3 points and nuts and seeds rank higher because they are higher in calories and fats.

The desire for a lean healthy body must include regular intake of water, the right foods and regular exercise. Like in any other program large helpings of high-fat protein sources such as peanut butter, nuts and cheese can cause vegetarians to gain weight.

Instead of using peanut butter or nuts as snacks, use whole grain snacks, fruit and vegetables during the day. Using a vegetarian weight loss program does not ensure automatic weight loss. Keep a written record of everything you eat during the day to keep a handle on your eating habits. Keep watch on everything that isn’t raw fruit and vegetables.

Plan your meal choices during the day since last minute choices are usually higher in calories. Those chips, cookies, power bars and candy, although meatless, are higher in calories, sugar and fats. Use a daily multi-vitamin to fill in the gaps.

There are convenience foods sold in the grocery store that fit a vegetarian weight loss program. Check out the health food store and watch the calories, sugars, fats and oils in the products. Do not resort to junk foods. When all else fails apples and bananas are convenient, filling and full of good nutrition.

You can also put together pre-made bags of your own trail mix. Include almonds, raisons, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for a healthy nutritious snack. Try to eat only raw and organic nuts and seeds for the best flavor and fuel.

Preparation of your vegetarian weight loss program can be just as important as the foods you eat. Grocers now carry vegetarian burgers that can be microwaved as opposed to fried. Frying foods is just as dangerous as eating meats because of the increased animal fats and the processing that vegetable oils and lard go through to make them palatable. Try to eat as much raw foods as possible to help your digestive system.

Vegetarian weight loss is a healthy and natural weight loss option to add to your weight loss arsenal. Done right you’ll see some fast weight loss initially and you’ll feel better and have more energy.
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Best Sports Nutrition For Vegetarians - Success Has To Follow

Vegetarian athletes have special needs to be able to perform at a higher level of energy than those who don’t exert themselves athletically each and every day. Sports nutrition and calorie intake are very important to consistently help your body to perform at it’s best.

Most nutritional challenges of sports nutrition can be met by planning ahead and having a variety of foods available at home. Variety in your vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds will assure the correct vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids in the diet.

Vegetarian sports nutrition must meet the energy needs of the athlete. Energy sources can simply be your favorite fruits, root vegetables, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

Proteins, needed for repair of tissues, building and repairing muscles, red blood cell production and just running your body, can be received from fruits, green leaves, nuts and root vegetables. Some excellent sources of protein include avocados, dates, bananas, and almonds.

Protein requirements are not different for vegetarian athletes than for athletes who don’t eat a vegetarian diet. Athletes should take 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilograms of body weight.

Our bodies also require minerals to repair and replace muscles and hormones. There are several factors that are important to the absorption of minerals and vitamins. How the foods are combined, use of microwaves and incorporating the occasional fast all impact how minerals and vitamins are absorbed into the body.

Individual sources of plant protein do not supply all nine essential amino acids that meats and animal proteins do. However, eating a variety of vegetables during the day will supply all nine amino acids; what one vegetable is missing another will supply.

Calcium is also essential to nutrition. Vegetarian sports nutrition should plan for sources from plants or add supplements since athletes who are low may have increased risk of bone and stress fractures.

Athletes also are at risk for iron deficiency, especially females. Iron loss is increased during heavy training. Smart sports nutrition should incorporate spinach, a good supply of iron, into the diet. Vitamin C also improves iron absorption. The main symptoms of iron deficiency are weakness and rapid fatigue during exercise.

Low zinc levels can also be a problem for vegetarian athletes in heavy training. Zinc sources are pumpkin seeds, pecans, split peas, Brazil nuts, rye, whole wheat, oats, peanuts, walnuts and almonds.

Vegetarian nutrition should include appropriate amounts of energy, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals is critical for optimal performance. Athletes who practice a vegetarian lifestyle must do a little planning to ensure the correct balance of nutrition in their diets.
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Vegetarian Soups - Why It is So Important

Scientific research shows that a vegetarian lifestyle improves your health and increases your life. Vegetarian soups and meals are becoming more popular in both the home and restaurant settings. Restaurant owners and franchises are responding to the increased demand by their customers for a healthier alternative.

Becoming a vegetarian decreases your risk for heart disease, stroke and cancers. And preparing soups and meals are not difficult. Incorporating vegetarian soups and meals into your lifestyle not only improves your health but also doesn’t require a long-term adjustment.

Vegetarian soups are a great option when you are entertaining or when you are preparing a meal for your family. Warm soups are great for appetizers and sophisticated chilled vegetarian soups are a wonderful addition in the summer months. Soups can be a great one-bowl meal with plenty of crusty bread. You can even use a dense crusty bread as the bowl itself.

Traditional soups and meals often include meats and animal by-products such as sour cream, gelatins or cheeses. But vegetarian soups can be hearty and delicious without the addition of meat and animal by-products.

Soups can also be inexpensive, high in protein, high in fiber and very nutritious. Because of the food combinations you can often have a soup that is filling, mouth-watering and is full of the nutrients you need. Vegetarian soups can be served as an appetizer, snack, side dish, main course or over rice as a large meal. Try using these principles when you prepare a soup such as Lentil soup.

Lentils are inexpensive and a great protein. They are are versatile enough to be turned into a vegetable stew. You can use vegetable stock instead of water to add a rich taste without overpowering the flavor. Vegetable stock can be made when you are soaking and boiling beans or vegetables and then saved for use later when you are making vegetable soups.

Just remember that the stock is the base for the soup and the richer and more flavorful the stock the better the soup will taste.

Next come the vegetables. Green beans are an addition that should be snapped and not cut. Also, do not use frozen or previously cooked beans because they will become mush. Potatoes should be diced into large pieces so they don’t cook too quickly. Although potatoes do add texture to vegetarian soups on two levels; they thicken the broth and add some contrasting firmness.

Other vegetables you can add to vegetarian soups are diced eggplant, diced onions, medium cauliflower florets or medium broccoli florets. Don’t grind broccoli into the soup and don’t add until the last 15 minutes of cooking. Cauliflower florets hold up better in soups than does the broccoli.

When you consider the vegetables for your soup don’t add delicate things like peas, celery or lettuce. The goal is to add texture to the soup and contrasting firmness.

Vegetarian soups are robust and full of flavor. They are an addition to your meal or the meal itself. Either way soup adds nutrients to your diet and you don’t even know you’re eating healthy!
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Healthy Vegetarian Cooking is Actually Easy

People chose to live a vegetarian lifestyle for a variety of reasons. There are strict religious, financial, health and cruelty to animal issues that motivate us to move to a vegetarian diet. Vegetarian cooking is less difficult and complicated than cooking the Standard Western diet, full of fats, sugars and processed foods.

There are some basic techniques to cooking a vegetarian meal. First you have to determine which vegetarian lifestyle you’ll be following. Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarians don’t eat red meat, fowl, or fish but do eat dairy products and eggs; Lacto-Vegetarians eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream; and Vegan vegetarians are the strictest and eat only fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Wherever on the continuum you fall, you want your food to be nutritious and delicious. If you are preparing a meal that originally required meat you should NOT substitute textured protein vegetables for the meat. You’ll ruin the taste of the dish and it never tastes quite right. The textured vegetables are expensive and not much better than organic meat. So you can either eat organic meat or make something else.

One key to good vegetarian cooking is a good flavorful oil. Your brain requires fat for metabolism. But, not fat that is high in animal oils but plant based oils that will feed your brain so you aren’t foggy. Fats also enhance the quality and flavor of foods. Only use oils that are liquid at room temperature like olive oil, grape seed and sesame oils.

Olive oils are the most healthy and contain fats that help to level your cholesterol levels. Olive oils come in a variety of flavors from very strong to mild. The best oil is extra virgin cold pressed oil. You can use the olive oil in any dish that you would normally have used butter, lard or vegetable oils. Vegetable oils, no mater what the advertising says, are manufactured using processes that leave them not much better than eating straight chemicals.

Another critical ingredient to vegetarian cooking is sea salt. Sea salt doesn’t have the chemicals of regular processed table salt and contains minerals that will enhance the flavors of the food. Sea salt is formed from the natural evaporation of sea water and has 98 percent sodium chloride compared to the 99.9 percent purity of regular table salt. Salt manufacturers make extra money reselling the mineral by-products during the processing of salt.

Using high quality ingredients makes a difference in the final quality of the food. Cooking is basic chemistry and the outcome is only as good as the quality of the ingredients you use. You won’t be making a silk purse from a sows ear.

Another tip for vegetarians is to use lots of vegetables! A variety of color will give you a full range of Vitamins and minerals. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce; root vegetables like yams, carrots and potatoes; and stems and seed carriers like celery, peppers and eggplant should all be included in your diet.

Test these principles by making a vegetable or bean soup. Sautee the vegetables in good oil, use sea salt to taste and use plenty of vegetables. Vegetarian cooking is only limited by your imagination. By incorporating lots of legumes, vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts will give you great variety in flavor and nutrition.

Vegetarian cooking is simple, nutritious, and makes a positive impact in your health and wellness. Your diet is only limited by your imagination. Test your imagination and increase your energy levels for a whole new you!